The five most common questions about creatine

Creatine is a type of amino acid found in red meats, some fish like tuna or cod, and in seafood. Although it is one of the most well-known pre-workout supplements used by many athletes, there are still many questions about this type of product. In this article, we will try to shed some light on this subject so you have everything much clearer when buying or using this supplement.

What is the most recommended format?

Creatine monohydrate is the most common. Besides this type, you can also find creatine phosphate, malate, citrate, gluconate, etc. But without a doubt, monohydrate is the most widely used option.

What is the difference between regular Creatine and Creapure Creatine?

Regular Creatine: This is creatine monohydrate that is easy to find and quite affordable. However, it may contain small amounts of impurities.

Creapure Creatine: This is a highly pure version of creatine monohydrate, produced in Germany by Alzchem Trostberg GmbH under strict quality standards. It is recognized as one of the purest creatines available on the market.

How should I take creatine?

The amount of creatine you should take per day is calculated by multiplying your weight by 0.1 grams of creatine powder. As for the best time, there is no special advantage to taking this supplement at a specific time of day, but most athletes usually take it as pre-workout or post-workout. If it is more convenient for you to take it in the morning or after work, there is no problem with that.

Do I need to stop taking creatine after a certain period?

Creatine is naturally produced by the body. When our body receives this amino acid through supplementation, it reduces its natural production. When we stop the external intake, the body resumes natural production without any issues. It is generally recommended to take two to three breaks per year just as a precaution.

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Should I take it on days I don’t train?

Creatine works based on cellular saturation; by taking it daily, we keep the levels always at their maximum. To maintain this, you should also take it on rest days if you want to achieve your best performance. If you stop for one or two days, it won’t be significantly noticeable.

Does creatine cause hair loss?

It is difficult to determine if it is directly related to alopecia, as genetic factors are the primary cause of hair loss. Nonetheless, this is not a well-studied topic, and the scientific community does not see any significant risk related to creatine consumption.

You can buy creatines at the sports nutrition store Here you can see some of the most representative brands:


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